De, prefix. Having the sense of undoing the action of the simple verb, or of depriving (anything) of the thing or character therein expressedIndustrialization, n. The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale; the process of industrializing or fact of being industrialized.
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Griffin, Toni. "A new vision of rebuilding Detroit". Filmed October, 2013. TED video, 11:37.
Koenig, Bill. "General Motors Announces Big Layoffs and Plant Closures." Interview by Tanzina Vega. WNYC Studios, The Takeaway, November 27, 2018. Audio, 12:42.
Texts and other related media
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Mallach, Alan, Lavea Brachman. “Regenerating America’s Legacy Cities.” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013.
Popper, Deborah E. and Frank J. Popper. "Small Can Be Beautiful: Coming to Terms with Decline: Americans Tend to Think That Places, Once Settled, Stay Settled. (Smart Decline)." Planning 68, no. 7 (2002): 20.
Ryan, Brent D. and Lorena Bello. “The Fiscal Topography of the Shrinking City.” Prospecta 47: Money, The Yale Architectural Journal (2014): 199-205.
Silverman, Robert M., Li Yin, & Kelly L. Patterson. “Dawn of the Dead City: An Exploratory Analysis of Vacant Addresses in Buffalo, NY 20082010.” Journal of Urban Affairs 35, no. 2 (2013): 131-152. Spencer, Douglas. “Returns on the City: Detroit and the Design of Late Fordism.” Harvard Design Magazine 46 (2018).
Sugrue, Thomas J. ‘The Damning Mark of False Prosperities’: The Deindustrialization of Detroit” in The Origins of the Urban Crisis; Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Princeton Studies in American Politics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996: 125-152.
Swope, Christopher. “Smart Decline.” Governing Magazine, November 2006.