n. The action of physically demolishing or destroying something; esp. the action or process of pulling or knocking down a building or other structure; the fact or state of being demolished. Also: an instance of this.Podcasts
Baldwin, James. "Urban Renewal... Means Negro Removal." Interview by Kenneth Clark. The Negro and the American Promise, WGBH, June 24, 1963. Video, 1:14.
Griffin, Toni. "A new vision of rebuilding Detroit". Filmed October, 2013. TED video, 11:37.
Texts and other related media
Akers, Joshua. Urban Praxis. Updated 2020.
Akers, Joshua, Vincent Béal, and Max Rousseau. "Redefining the City and Demolishing the Rest: The Techno-green Fix in Postcrash Cleveland, Ohio." Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3, no. 1 (2020): 207-27.
Akers, Joshua, Vincent Béal, and Max Rousseau. "Redefining the City and Demolishing the Rest: The Techno-green Fix in Postcrash Cleveland, Ohio." Image. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3, 2020.
Davis, Ujijji. “The Bottom: The Emergence and Erasure of Black American Urban Landscapes.” The Avery Review 34 (2018).
Fullilove, Mindy Thompson. “Unceasing Struggle,” in Root Shock: New Village Press, 2016: 165-192.
Gordon, Colin. Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City. Politics and Culture in Modern America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.
Gordon, Colin. “Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the American City.” Image. Mapping Decline.
Gordon, Colin. "Patchwork Metropolis: Fragmented Governance and Urban Decline in Greater St. Louis." Saint Louis University Public Law Review 34, no. 1 (2014): 51-70.
Hatchette Book Group. “Excerpt - The Broken Heart of America.” Image. HachetteBookGroup, 2019.
Johnson, Walter. “Prologue: Mapping the Loss,” in The Broken Heart of America: St. Louis and the Violent History of the United States. New York: Basic Books, 2020: 1-12.
Johnson, Walter. "What Do We Mean When We Say, “Structural Racism”? A Walk down West Florissant Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri." Kalfou(Santa Barbara, Calif.) 3, no. 1 (2016): 36-62.
Johnson, Walter. "What Do We Mean When We Say, “Structural Racism”? A Walk down West Florissant Avenue, Ferguson, Missouri." Image. Kalfou, 2016.
NYU Press. “Root Shock.” Image. NYU Press, 2016.